Population projections

Proyecciones de población This section contains technical documentation with regards to projections at national and regional level, by sex and age for the 2005-2020 period. These projections were made based on the adjusted results of 2005 Census and 1985 to 2005 census reconciliation. This section also provides behavior analysis of the variables determining demographic trends, assumptions and some comments on the results.



  • Differences between the population projections valid until 2005 and the census

Explanation of the differences between Population Projections and 2005 Census results


  • Population projections and estimates

National, departmental and municipal estimates and population projections by sex, five-year groups and individual ages from 0 to 26 (1985-2020)
National, departmental and municipal estimates and total population projections by area (1985-2020) Visor: Projections of total population by sex and age groups of 0-80 and more years (2005-2020).
Visor: Proyecciones de población total por sexo y grupos de edad de 0 hasta 80 y más años (2005 - 2020).


  • Household and housing estimates and projections

Technical note: The series of population estimates and projections presented herein are subject to adjustments based on the information available.

(The population projections at national and regional level have been prepared by the "Demographic component method ". For the total municipal level, the semi-demographic method "Cohort analysis" was applied, obtaining results based on the structures of population censuses and demographic trends of the recent past as well as the assumptions in the short and medium term for the components of fertility, mortality and migration. For a breakdown of the population by township, the participation of the municipalities was projected using logistic function.)

DANE welcomes the recommendations of international organizations and publishes population projections for periods between the last and next census. Given that any projection has a level of uncertainty that affects future prediction, the error increases with increasing the projection period, particularly for smaller areas (municipalities) due to the precariousness of the input information. Therefore, until the next census, DANE will continuously assess the population projections using new sources of information that meet standards set by the entity. This ensures that all necessary updates can be performed




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